Which of IPL hoses are suitable for food contact, according to FDA certification?

Home / FAQ / Which of IPL hoses are suitable for food contact, according to FDA certification?

IPL offers a wide range of food grade hoses, according to US FDA Reg. and included in the “Food” section, as: Vulcano® 04 ET, Vulcano® 09 ET, Vulcano® 12 ET, Vulcano® 15 ET, Next 09 ET, Eolo PU food, Eolo PUP food, Zeus PU food; within the Plutone range, the FDA-certified hoses are Plutone PU, Plutone PU press, Plutone PF, Plutone Bio, Plutone press Bio; finally we find Arianna Bio, the TPE-S range, Crystal Clear-55 and Sil life W.